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History Two

Monday 5th July 2021

LC: To use dates and appropriate historical terms to sequence events and periods of time.


What is a timeline?


We have completed a timeline before.

Do you remember?


Today, you are going to see if you can master the skill of creating a timeline.

You will be sequencing key historical events using correct dates and terms. 

The timeline will be on Britain's Viking invasion. 



Key Revision

Time to begin!

Step One: 

Read the information on Britain's Viking invasion.

-Scan for key dates and the linked events.

-Make a note of the dates (this will help you to organise your timeline).

Step Two:

Order the dates you have collected. 

This will help you to decide the scale of your timeline. 

A timeline needs to be created before you can plot dates, terms and events. 

What key increments (steps) is this timeline being recorded in? 


What increments will your timeline have? 
You will need to think about centuries (100 years) and decades (10 years). 

Step three:

Draw the timeline in your book (over two pages). 

What year will your timeline start?

What year will your timeline end?

What will be the main increments (steps) on your timeline?


Step Four:

Place the key dates on the timeline accurately with the correct Viking invasion event information. 
