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LC to identify the different ways that the Pendle witches have been represented and give reasons for this.

Last week we learned about some differences between the 17th Century and today. One of those differences is that in the past people believed in witches. Today we know that witches are only in stories. However in the past people were superstitious and were frightened by things they didn’t understand. 
We are going to use a video to learn about a very famous trial (an examination of guilt) of some people who were thought to be witches.

Using the note taking sheet, your teacher will ask you to make notes throughout this lesson.

The King on the throne in 1612 was called James 1st who married Anne.
They were very superstitious and were frightened of the people they thought were witches. The King encouraged people to find witches and report them to the law.

The trial.

Still image for this video

Below is part of what Jennet said at the trial. 
Do you think she was telling the truth?

Why might a 9 year old child lie?

The people in Lancashire accused of witchcraft were taken to Lancaster prison (gaol). Jennet’s grandmother died in the prison. It was a grim place to be held prisoner. 

These are the names of the people who were executed for witchcraft.

Discovery of a cottage.

Still image for this video

We understand today that these people - usually women - were not evil, but helpful to the Lancashire communities where they lived.

Why do you think the wise women or cunning women were seen as evil?
Why do you think they were put in prison and killed?

This is a sculpture of Alice Nutter. She was also executed as a witch with Elizabeth Device, Alison and James.
