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Apostrophes for possession

We already know that an apostrophe is used when writing words in the contracted form, don't we?


Well, we can also use an apostrophe to show belonging (possession).


Let's watch a fun video to learn what that means.

Let's look at an example.

The cat's tail is fluffy.

The cat is a singular noun ( there is only one cat) and the tail belongs to it. Because it doesn't end in an s, we use an apostrophe followed by an s.


Now it's your turn. Talk with the person next to you (or an adult in your house if you are at home) about what is needed to make this sentence correct.

The dog tail is wagging.

Now it's your turn to try one on your own. Correct this sentence on your whiteboard. If you are home, send it in an email to your teacher.

The bird wings are flapping.
