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GPS / Bounce back Phonics


Complete the table below using the Seesaw document if you are working in school. If you are at home write the table out in your blended learning book.

These words end in a consonant and the ending -ed and -ing are added in a straight forward way.


Today we are learning to recognise the different ways of spelling the phoneme


Read this rhyme out loud to yourself.


'The goat wore a coat as she sat in a boat,

afloat in the boat on the castle's moat'.


Do you notice that some of the words use the 'oa' phoneme?

Now we are going to play bingo with some of the words below. You will need to choose 6 of the words and write them onto your whiteboard, in school. If you are playing at home write the 6 words into your blended learning book. Ask an adult to read through all the words and you can tick them off when you hear the words on your board or book. In school the winner will be the person who ticks off all their words first!
