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Use of description by listing (substitution game)


Good writers use listing to describe events within a story, or other text. Listing gives the reader a variety of ideas in the hope that the reader will know one or more of the items in the list to create an image in the reader's mind. 


Let's re-read paragraph two of Flying Toads Toured the Town!

Can you find the description by listing? 

How can we tell that a list has been created?

What image does it create in your (the reader's) mind?


Did you spot the list?


They were ducking and diving pylons, doing somersaults in the air and chasing panicked crows


Item 1            Item 2        Item 3

'and' before the last item in the list

commas separate items in a list



Innovated Example:

They were swinging on washing lines , racing through the streets like fast cars and chasing German Shepherds on their evening walk.

Your Turn

Use the examples above to substitute words to create new sentences. 


These can be recorded in your exercise book.

