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Throughout Year 2, we have used maps to understand where places are and which direction we need to travel.


Think back to:

  • Robert Falcons Scott and his journey to the South Pole
  • Katie Morag on the Isle of Struay
  • Landmarks in Burnley
  • Our latest trip to Rio de Janeiro


When learning about all of these things, we looked at maps, used the globe and atlases and even used digital maps including Google Earth.


Today we are going to learn how to draw a simple sketch map. Let's watch a video for a little more information.


Explain this... maps!

Still image for this video

If you are in school, your teacher will take you outside where you will draw a map of the 1K a day site, using symbols in a key.


If you are at home, draw a map of the classroom. Remember, it needs to be from above and it can't have writing so anything you want to add needs to be a symbol (drawing) that you can name in the key below.

Miss Rycroft has stater drawing a map of 2R as an example. Can you include anything else that she has missed?
