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 Friday 21st May 2021

 LC- Describe the characteristics of a state in North America.


 After the half term holiday, part of our Geography work will be learning

about the physical and human features of major towns and cities of North America.


We are going to begin this work today by looking at one of the states of North America. Do you know how many states there are altogether? 

Spend some time researching the states:

 - what landmarks are there

 - places of interest

 - anything it is famous for

 - things to do and places to visit

 - capital city

 - major town 

 - historical background

 - location


and more


Find the one that interests you the most.

Then make notes about it in your register books. When you have enough information, we would like you to make an information leaflet on paper. Below is an image of an information leaflet done by a child to give you an idea. Yours need to be to the same standard.

 Think hard about the features of leaflets, including headings, subheadings, images with captions etc.


To do this well, you will have to:

  • take your time doing the notes (in your own words, not copying large chunks out)
  • organising into sections
  • deciding on your headings / paragraphs
  • deciding what pictures would be useful
  • transferring all this to paper in an organised way to the best of your ability


These will be displayed so any that are not to standard will be done again!
