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We have been learning about living and non living things. We explored the grounds like scientists πŸ”Ž

Before shopping for ingredients and making our pizzas, we made a plan and spoke to experts in school.

Trip to Asda to buy ingredients to make homemade pizzas πŸ•

Working together to make Christmas Biscuits πŸŽ„πŸŒŸπŸ””

Years 1 and 2 Busy Bees Gardening Club

Within our enriched mastery curriculum, all children have the opportunity to develop new skills and take part in experiences that broaden and strengthen their knowledge.
The UNCRC states that:

Article 31: Every child has the right to take part in a wide range of activities.

Article 29: Every child has the right to develop their personalty, talents and abilities to the full.

All activities are led by professionals in school or at specialist centres in and around the surrounding area using the most up to date equipment and facilities.

Not only does such an opportunity bring about excellent learning opportunities that can be applied within the school curriculum, but develops our young people with regards to confidence, self-esteem and resourcefulness that are essential skills to be leaders in the 21st Century.

Within the curriculum, we also strongly believe that our children at Stoneyholme Primary School learn best through the use of the outdoors and by visiting or meeting experts who can bring what they are learning within the classroom to life.

With the advantage of having two mini-buses, this means that, for every topic planned, the children get first-hand experiences that really embeds their learning.

To see some examples of the fascinating opportunities that Enrichment provides for our children, take a look at the pages by clicking here.

