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Yesterday we revised the four different types of sentences and identified statements and exclamations in the letters to Duncan.


Today we are going to identify commands and questions. Here’s the video we watched yesterday to explain what the purpose of these sentences are. If you at home, you only need to watch the first half as we have already completed the activities before.

Let’s take a look at another letter to find one example of a command and one of a question. Remember, a command tells you what to do and a question is easily identifiable by the punctuation at the end of it.

Well done if you spotted the question at the top of the letter.

Why did you peel off my paper wrapping??


The command in this letter is more difficult to spot. Well done if you spotted it. It is:


Now it's you turn. Your task is to spot one example of a command and one question in this letter. When you have found them, make a note of them in your book. If you are working at home, send a picture of your writing to your teacher to add them to the Learning Wall.
