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In Year 2, we have been learning how to write different types of sentences. Can you remember how many there are?


Find out by watching the first half of this video again.

Well done if you remembered the four types of sentence. Did you remember the different punctuation marks that can be used?

Today we are going to find examples of 2 of the sentence types in the letters to Duncan. We are going to search for 


Let's take a look at this letter and see if we can spot a statement and and exclamation.

This letter is full of statements. From the beginning all the way down to the word 'anymore' every sentence is a statement. Some of them have full stops and some have exclamation marks.


The sentence 'I need a break!' is an exclamation because it is showing a strong feeling.

Now it's you turn. Your task is to spot one example of a statement and one exclamation in this letter. When you have found them, make a note of them in your book. If you are working at home, send a picture of your writing to your teacher to add them to the Learning Wall.
