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Wednesday 18th November

L.C. To be able to identify and use fronted adverbials


Verb:  is an action/ an occurrence/ a state of being.


Adverb: is a word that describes how/where or when the verb is done.


Adverbial phrases: is used to add more detail to the verb.


Today we are going to look at fronted adverbials.


 A Fronted Adverbial is an Adverb which has been moved before the verb i.e. to the front of the sentence.


To help us understand this lets look at the following sentence.


I am visiting my grandma the day after tomorrow.


What is the verb?

Where is the adverbial phrase?

What is the adverbial phrase used for?


I am visiting my grandma the day after tomorrow. (Used to explain when)


Now lets change the sentence so that the adverbial phrase come before the verb. This would look like this:


The day after tomorrow, I am visiting my grandma.


This is known as a fronted adverbial. When we use a fronted adverbial the adverbial phrase must then start with a capital letter and we must add a comma after the adverbial phrase.


Have a look at the following examples:



Our eyes met across the room.

Across the room, our eyes met.


The boys played football all day long.

All day long, the boys played football.


The second sentence in each pair shows the adverbial phrase before the verb (at the beginning of the sentence). This is a fronted adverbial.


Your turn


Activity 1

Make the following sentences start with a fronted adverbial. Remember to punctuate correctly.


The robbers tiptoes across the hall without a sound.

I found a bunch of grapes in my bag.

The soldiers sprang into action at midnight.

A lone wolf howled in the distance.


Activity 2

Finish the following sentences that start with a fronted adverbial.

From behind the Christmas tree ...

Moments later ...


Home learners please could you take a photo of your English work and email it to Mr Hindman on Purple Mash.
