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Before starting our English today, spend 10 minutes looking back over your Mary Anning biography. If you are at home it would be useful to read your biography to an adult in your house to spot mistakes you have made. Please edit your work in a different colour.


Monday 16th November 2020

L.C. To identify verbs and adverbs and their function in a sentence.


So first lets remind ourselves what a verb is and what an adverb is.


Verb:  is an action/ an occurrence/ a state of being


Adverb: is a word that describes how/where or when the verb is done


On your whiteboards write down the first verb that comes to your head. 




Lets look at the verb Walk. How might somebody walk? If you are at home write down 3 different ways in your books.


Here is an example for you. You might walk slowly or quickly. 




Now we have thought of an adverb lets see if we can change the verb. We need to come up with a better word for walk. 


E.g. Instead of walk slowly we could have creep slowly.


Using one of the adverbs from earlier change the word walk to a better more powerful verb. Write them in your books.


Now look at the following table. In your books write down most appropriate adverb for the verb.

Finally, copy out the following text into your books:


The tiny elf wandered unhappily in the gloom of a forbidden forest. He stared nervously at the floating pathway which weaved through the forest. It was surrounded in a murky, poisonous swamp. Ancient lamps eerily illuminate the ominous landscape. He cried sadly to himself. Would he ever find his way back home?


Using 2 coloured pencils underline the verbs in one colour and the adverbs in another.


Home learners please could you take a photo of your English work and email it to Mr Hindman on Purple Mash.
