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Is power always a positive thing?


To use the present tense.

To write simple poems based on a model.

To know that children have rights and responsibilities.


We are going to start by reading up to the start of page 38 and watching a clip from the movie (38:35- 44:04).

Friend like me

Still image for this video

So, Aladdin has the power now. What do you think he should do with it?


The song is called 'Friend Like Me' and the Genie keeps repeating that Aladdin "aint never had a friend like me".


Article 15 says that every child has the right to meet with other children and join groups of their choice. This is also a British Value as we have the Individual Liberty to choose.

What do you like to do with your friends?


With your talking partner, write a list before sharing it with the class. Examples include:




With rights come responsibilities.

Cheering me up when I’m sad,

Playing with me at playtime,

Learning with me in lessons,

You’ll never have a friend like me!


Smiling is what you make me do!

Laughing together when we are happy,

Looking after me when I’m sad,

You’ll never have a friend like me!

What makes you a good friend? What do you do to show your friends that you care for them?

Again, with your talking partner, write a list of things you do to show that you are a good friend. Examples could include:

Helping them learn

Looking after them

We are going to work in pairs to put our ideas together in a poem. Let's read one together then we will make up a verse in the same style.
