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Sebastian thought of some great questions yesterday 😀

Today we are going to read the book again. We are looking again at any words that are difficult to understand.

Are there any words which you are unsure of the meaning?

Remember that you have been thinking about the meanings of these words on our vocabulary walls.

Write any words you still need to find the meaning of, and then use context clues or a dictionary to understand them. If you are still not sure send Mrs Metcalfe an email for help. 


Role on the Wall

We used the 'role on the wall' last week, do you remember?

We are going to choose a character from the story and write information about the character onto the 'body shape'.

Go to Purple Mash or to Seesaw to find the body shape and write your ideas on it.

Then you need to upload or double tick for Mrs Metcalfe to see. Or you could draw the body in your blended learning book and email a photograph to Mrs Metcalfe.

