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Miss Cock's ELS group

This is for Ijaaz, Sawera, Sareena, Maysha, Keyan, Rayan, Sahil and Michal

Your ELS will be your English, Spelling and Grammar work.            

You do not have to do this work.     


Good morning.mp4

Still image for this video

Letter recognition.mp4

Still image for this video
Now watch the video to learn more about our new sounds.

ck e u r

Still image for this video

What did Pip see?


What did Pip see.mp4

Still image for this video

Our focus words for this week are:

and   to   the


Here is a sentence for you to read with these words.

The dog and the cat ran to the man.

Remember this sentence as you are going to write it

on Purple Mash.

Here are the things I am going to be looking for in

your writing in ELS over the next few weeks.

 It starts with a capital letter.

 There are small spaces between your words.

 Your sentence ends with a full stop.

 cool You have read it to check it makes

sense before handing it in.

Now you will need to log on to Purple Mash for your 2do's.



Can you remember the sentence about the cat and the dog? Do you need to have another look before you go?






If you need any help you can send me an email

using 2Email on Purple Mash.
