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Digital Literacy


LC: To understand that you must make choices when using technology and that not everything is true and/or safe.  


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Digital content on the world wide web.


The world wide web (or web for short) is a huge online library of information.

Each website on the web is like a digital book, while each webpage is like a digital page inside that book.

The information on a website is called digital content, as it is stored on a digital device.



Is everything on the web true?

The information in books for children can be trusted.

This is because they are written and checked by experts. The facts are true and there aren't any spelling mistakes.

Anyone can write and publish a website on the webThe information on a website isn't always written by an expert and sometimes webpages are not checked before we see them.

This means that some digital content on the web is not reliable.

The information could be incorrect, inaccurate, or out of date.



What does an unreliable website look like?

You can spot unreliable websites by looking carefully for warning signs. This is called evaluating.

Look out for the following clues.

 It looks messy and disorganised and is hard to read. There are spelling mistakes. Lots of adverts appear on the page. There are no details about who made the website. The information is out of date.

Have a look at this website. It's a news report. Look carefully for any of the clues above.

Do you think it can be trusted?


So how do you find reliable websites?


To find reliable information on the web yourself, you will have to do some detective work and look for clues.

Let's have a look at some evaluating skills you can use.


Search results list

When you search for information, the search engine will put the most popular and relevant website it finds at the top of the search results list.

Your detective work can start there.

Sometimes an advert can appear at the top of the search results too. These will be marked Ad.

These are not always the most relevant links to click on. If you aren't sure, ask an adult.


Using the website address


Each website has its own address and that's another good place to look for clues.

Look for familiar names and organisations that you trust.

Does the web address begin with https://?

For example:

Good luck with your website detective work!

There is an activity on seesaw for you to complete, the website we looked at earlier can you markup all the indicators of a fake website and then answer the questions on spotting fake websites.
