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British Values

As British citizens (people who permanently live in Britain) we know the difference between right and wrong and we respect people's different opinions and choices. These are known as British Values.


In school, we promote all of the British Values:

The Rule of Law


Individual Liberty

Mutual Respect and Tolerance


  1.  We respect the beliefs and cultures of others
  2. We know that we are special
  3. We treat everyone equally
  4. We understand right from wrong
  5. We try to help others
  6. We understand the consequences of our actions
  7. We respect the roles of people who help us


Last week, we all came up with different exercises each class could take part in to see who is the best. This week, we are going to vote for the top 3. Voting for your favourite exercise is an example of DEMOCRACY because it is a fair decision.

Competition entries
