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Autumn Term 1

Roman and Anglo Saxon Impact on Britain


Our focus this term was non-chronological reports and historical novels.

During the first 3 weeks, we looked at non-chronological reports that were related to our history topic.  We learned how to write introductions and create text boxes and diagrams to support the main body of a report.

After this, we looked at the historical novel Beowulf. Our historical novel was related to our history topic: the Anglo -Saxons.

We used this well-known text to invent our own historical stories. 



This term we looked at Numbers to 10,000.  This involved counting in 100’s, 25’s and 1000’s, using place value, comparing and ordering numbers, making number patterns, counting in 6’s, 7’s and 9’s and rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.

Also, the children continued to learn their times tables and division facts regularly!



Online Safety and Using Web Browsers

The children learned about what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour when online and sharing their understanding through posters. They also linked the importance of keeping personal information secure and private to rights learning.

UNCRC Article 16: Every child has a right to privacy.


We learned about the Roman and Anglo Saxon impact on Britain and how both have shaped our present day lives.



This half-term in science, we learned all about sound. We described how sound is made including vibrations and how sound travels. We also explored pitch and volume. 

Whilst learning about sound, we used investigative skills to ask scientific questions and to set up fair tests.  


In music, we listened to different types of music and celebrated a wide range of musical styles. We also practised our singing, playing, composing and performing skills!


Composing - take a look at our graphic scores!


In PSHCE, we learned about what mental health is and the importance of taking care of our mental health. We also discussed what makes a healthy relationship and who we can turn to when we seek support. 

We also learned how important it is to keep safe online and strategies to keep us safe, how to treat ourselves and others with respect and about valuing diversity in communities. 


In art, we planned, designed and made 3D models from observation that were based on Anglo-Saxon artefacts. 

We created surface patterns and textures in a malleable material, used a selection of tools and evaluated our work.  


In RE, we answered the questions, 'How should we live our lives?', 'What are our rules?' and 'Who gives us rules?'

We also learned about Buddhism, identifying how the 3 refuges and five precepts impact on a Buddhist's life.

We used specific vocabulary to describe key features of living religious traditions, recognising similarities and differences.

British Values and Rights Respecting

This half-term, we learned about the Rule of Law (linking this to our history topic), mutual respect and tolerance. We focused on 

Article 2: non-discrimination and investigated how Britain has changed over time and developed into a multi-cultural society that celebrates diversity and differences. 




What a busy and fun-filled half term we had!
