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Autumn 2


We will be reading stories with repeating patterns, making predictions, identifying and discussing main characters and events and sharing our thoughts about what is said and done. We will also be reading non-fiction books to gather information in order to hep us ask and answer questions about events that have taken place in the past. In our writing, we will be using question marks and capital letters for names. We will write information texts with simple text type features.

Questions for Zog

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Talk for Writing


As Mathematicians, we will explore the place value of numbers up to 20. We will continue to build on our knowledge of calculation using addition and subtraction for numbers up to 20. We will also use language of position and direction. Please help your child at home by using the words in front of, behind, next to, right and left.

Identifying shapes in the environment

Exploring non-standard units of measure





Why was the Great Fire of London significant?

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Can we interpret what it was like to live in London during the fire from our own experience of fire?

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Can we use research and enquiry to understand how the fire was put out?

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This half term we will be creating a series of instructions and using a website to gather information.

Creating instructions.


This half term we will be learning the skills of travelling, jumping and rolling with increasing control whilst creating different shapes. We will apply our knowledge in a sequence before including apparatus in the routine.

Travelling, balancing, jumping and creating sequences 😁🐒🦀🐻🤸‍♀️

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Can we use comparative testing to work out the best way to strengthen sheet materials?

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Design and create a bridge to help Mario and Luigi cross the river.

Creating a movement in a picture.


This half term, we will explore what a good friendship is and recognise when someone feels lonely and what to do. As part of our learning about respectful relationships, we will learn about unkind behaviour including bullying (online and offline), how others feel and how we can treat ourselves and others with respect.


Children have the right to share openly with others what they learn, think and feel so long as it doesn't hurt others.

Is power always a positive thing?

We have been thinking of the power we have to make a positive difference and help those who feel lonely or hurt.

As part of our learning about World Kindness Day, we have been answering the question: What does the word ‘kind’ mean?

We have identified the need to be kind to ourselves and others as good for our mental health. We looked in the mirror and said positive things to ourselves and we wrote and delivered special messages to those who are kind to us in school. We also thought about what to say to a trusted adult if we see or experience hurtful or bullying behaviour.


As Musicians, we will be answering the question: How does Music tell stories about the past?

Along with finding the beat, we will be exploring how to add rhythm and pitch.

London’s burning

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Learning Outside the Classroom

We will continue to use our school grounds and the local environment to aid our learning and provide rich, first hand experiences to help us understand the world around us, our place in it and how we can affect it. Keep an eye out for photos of what we learn outside.

Role play - creating a doctor’s surgery.


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Planting garlic in our flower bed.
