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Autumn 2



Our key question for this term will be: 



 Can you be the same and different at the same time?

Is it OK to be different?


This will be discussed through stories and a range of activities that celebrate our similarities and differences. 


This links to the Rights Respecting Article 2 

Every child has the right to be treated fairly, no child should be discriminated against because of their gender, language, religion or disability. 


In PSED we will be exploring climate change and the things we can do to help (Kew Endeavour) We will focus on how we keep ourselves safe this half term making sure we know how to be safe on Bonfire Night, when out and about and when crossing a road.

We will take part in the national ‘Anti-bullying’ week spending time focusing on our Key Question.

Wiggling our odd socks to celebrate Anti bullying week.

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As mathematicians we will know how to orally count but starting and ending with different numbers and to count in 2’s. We will read all the numerals to 10, represent these numbers using fingers, objects, Numicon and 10 frames and match these sets to the correct numeral. We will know how to form the numerals 1-5 correctly and be able to subitise to 5. We will consolidate our number bonds to 5 using them in word problems. We will introduce ‘part, part, whole’ as a method of exploring addition and subtraction.

We will know how to compare quantities using the vocabulary ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’.


We will use the vocabulary of ‘side’ and ‘corner’ to describe the 2d shapes we learnt last half term and look at different ways to construct and deconstruct these shapes to make new shapes. We will use objects, shapes and colours to copy, continue and create simple repeating patterns, compare and sequence objects by length and use non standard units to measure objects by length. 

Forming numerals 1-5

Using the part, part, whole model for addition of number bonds to 5

Using numicon to explore addition and counting by twos

Exploring 2D shapes

Repeating shape patterns

We have been writing our own number sentences and using jottings to work out how many altogether.

During our Literacy, we will be learning the story of the gingerbread man. We will practise the story with actions to help us learn it by heart. 

Then we will change the setting and characters to create an innovated oral story.


We will explore using our senses to describe and make a wanted poster to catch the gingerbread man.


We will use our phonics to write labels for the things we might see at the Mosque.

We will also be learning how to make up our own story using the tales toolkit symbols and to respond to stories we know by answering ‘who’, ‘where’ and ‘when’ questions.


In preparation for handwriting, we will continue to develop our core strength but move on to focus on wrist movement and hand/finger strength.

Through art and guided work we will start to show control of lines and patterns made using a comfortable pencil grip.

During our RE, we will be learning about the mosque. 

We will been talking about who goes to a mosque and what happens inside a mosque.


We will link this to our whole school concept of community and talk about the different communities we belong to and how we show we belong.


We will be visiting a local church exploring important times. We will know the Nativity story and explore the idea of Jesus as a gift from God. We will know how people celebrate Christmas and the importance of some of the symbolism used.

Our visit to the mosque

Decorating our Christmas tree

As artists we will be exploring different ways to represent Autumn through colour, prints and rubbings. We will use the story of ‘Mouse Paint’ to know how to mix colours and look at the way artist Andy Warhol uses colour in his pictures. Using a patterned rug as stimulus we will improve our hand control when making a variety of different types of lines.


We will be using our imagination to make pictures and models of imaginary creatures and setting, such as where an elf or fairy might live.

Representing Autumn

Painting characters from the Gingerbread Man story

During music we will continue to learn to sing some more nursery rhymes.
We will listen to a variety of musical styles and respond through movement and sound. As a musician we will explore the names and sounds of percussion instruments and practise keeping the beat and copying a rhythm.

We love singing ‘I’m a little teapot’

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This is Mrs Hall’s new favourite song!

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In P.E, we will be using the seaside as a theme to develop our skills of balancing, travelling and rolling. With equipment, we will increase the control we have of an object when pushing and patting it and when throwing underarm.

We are working hard on our running, jumping, rolling and throwing skills🎾🏃🏾‍♀️🏃‍♂️👟

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When learning about the world we will be exploring Autumn. We will be going on short walks looking at and naming some features of our local environment. We will be scientists learning about floating and sinking.

 Can you help the gingerbread man cross the river           without being eaten?

As engineers we will visit the STEAM hub to design and make something to help - Will it be a boat, raft, bridge or pulley?

As geographers we will be representing journeys made by

characters fromfamiliar stories through journey maps.

The Stick Man’s Journey

During ICT we will be introduced to simple coding using directional language and following/creating instructions.




Creating digital content to tell the story of the gingerbread man.

The Gingerbread Man

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