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Autumn 1




During the first few weeks at school; the children will be settling in and learning the different routines.  The children will be exploring the classroom and choosing lots of different jobs and making new friends. 


We will be talking about how to respect our school, our responsibilities and how to follow the rules. 

This links to the Rights Respecting 

Article 28- Every child has the right to an education.



Our class chafer focuses on Article 24- Every child has the right to the best possible health. We discussed ways to respect out right.

Our key question for the term will be: 




Can you be the same and different at the same time?

Is it OK to be different?


This will be discussed through stories and a range of activities that celebrate our similarities and differences. Our rights respecting focus is

‘Proud to be’.


Simon Sock

During our PSED learning, we will be reading ‘The Colour Monster’.


The story is about a monster who changes colour depending on how he is feeling. We will be exploring each feeling in detail. 




Making our happy and sad jars

Calm and angry jars

                    During our literacy, we will be

learning the story of the gingerbread man. We will practise the story with actions to help us learnt it by heart. 

You can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man

We made bridges in the construction area

During our RE, we will be learning about the mosque.

We have been talking about who goes to a mosque, how they different and what happens inside at mosque.

As part of our physical development, we have been developing our core strength. 

To link with our expressive art and design, the children will be painting and drawing their self portraits. We will be making sure they included all of the different features on their faces. 

During Music, we will be learning

lots of different nursery rhymes and exploring some different instruments. 
