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Autumn 1

Our key concept questions for this half term will be: 


Can you be the same and different at the same time? Is it OK to be different?


This links to the whole school concepts Community and Equality. 



This links to the following Rights Respecting Articles:

Every child has the right to an education.

Every child has the right to good health.

Every child has the right to non-discrimination.

We will be discussing the British Values; individual liberty, and mutual respect and Tolerance. 


In PSED we will be learning about 'The Colour Monster'.

We will be naming  our feelings, what causes these feelings and how we can manage these feelings. 

We will be learning about the importance of washing out hands, cleaning our teeth and walking to school. 

Our colour monster paintings

The colour monster jars 🫙

We know how to regulate our feelings.

Oral hygiene

Designing toothbrushes

In Phonics we will be learning how to orally blend and segment. We will start to learn the names and phonemes of some letters and how to write them. We will start putting some of these letters together to read and write simple words.


We will know how to listen carefully with Lola and talk clearly about stories that we've heard. 


In Literacy we will be learning some nursery rhymes and learning how to recognise read our names. We will be practising how to write our names. 


We will start to improve our core strength, arm movements, hand strength and finger dexterity to prepare us for writing.

We listened to the author Michelle Robinson read her brand new book, ‘When the cookie crumbled’. The illustrator then showed us draw the main character of the story.

As mathematicians â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹, we will be learning to say our numbers in order and reading numbers to 5. We will also be subitising to 3, touch counting objects and counting out from a larger group accurately. We will know that the number stays the same even when you move objects around. We will be representing sets using Numicon, fingers, ten frames and objects.

Using shapes, we will make pictures, models and patterns. We will know how to describe objects by size and use non-standard to measure them, 

Shape pictures

Shape patterns

During our RE, we will be exploring special stories which link to the religion Islam. We will also be discussing our families, where we live and the community around us. 



As artists we will be exploring how to draw our face.

We will be using different media including pastels and paint. 

We will be learning about the artist Frida Khlo and the art she created. We be making our own interpretations of her work.


                 As engineers we will be completing one of our STEAM

projects. We will be creating a crash mat for Humpty Dumpty. We will be testing a range of materials to see which one will keep Humpty safe.

As musicians we will be learning nursery rhymes

and singing along to action songs. During music, we will be listening and responding to different styles of music. We will be exploring how to play instruments, we will be musicians by sharing and perform our learning.


In P.E, we are leaning our 5 fundamental movement skills: hopping, running, jumping, catching and throwing. We will know how to travel under, over and through climbing equipment. We will be developing our core, shoulder and elbow strength during continuous provision. We will also be taking part in some yoga and balance bikes. 


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Balance Bikes 🚲

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As scientists we will explore different materials, which links to our engineering project. We will be going on a mini-beast hunt and identifying and naming mini-beasts. We will be planting spring bulbs in our willow area.

Minibeast hunt

As historians we will be discussing significant events that have happened in the past. 



As geographers we will know how to compare local features in our environment. We are planning to go for a local walk and a number hunt. We will be drawing a journey map of our local walk. 

Journey maps

During Computing, we will know how to keep safe online and how to use a password. We will know how to use the school apps including how to log in, complete work, save work and hand it in to a teacher.

Being a good digital citizen.

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Being kind online.

Keeping safe when using the Internet.

Keeping safe

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Sorting colours.

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