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Autumn 1


This half term we will be listening to and joining in with lots of poems and songs to help us identify rhyming words. We will be learning to speak and write in simple sentences, checking they make sense before moving on to using 'and' to join our ideas. In our writing, we will learn to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Please help your child at home by talking about the different punctuation marks they come across in their book when reading with you.

Inventing new poems.

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Children used small world props and lego to help them recreate the map in Harry the Happy Mouse.

We’ve been finding new and exciting places to read together.

Harry the Happy Mouse

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Learning the story to tell using our own actions.

Fact finding for information posters

Talk like an expert

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Talk like an expert

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Talk like an expert

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As Mathematicians, we are learning to recognise the place value of numbers to 10. We will be solving addition and subtraction calculations and learning number bonds to 5, 6 and 7. Please encourage your child to count objects they have at home (toys, books, clothes pegs, etc) and look for numbers in the environment when they go outside.

We used positional language during our races in Maths.


What we observed on our seasonal walk

Carrying out simple tests to answer questions

Can we identify which sense we are using?


Learning about where people settle


We will be following the school's internet rules and learning the importance of keeping information private, including passwords.

We will also use technology to store and retrieve digital content.


Can nature influence art?

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Taking pictures of our Nature Walk around school.

Creating thick and thin lines using different media.

Creating thick and thin lines using coloured paper and pastels.

Painting thick and thin lines using inspiration from Robert Gillmor.


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British Value and RRS:

We will develop our understanding of British Values further by linking them through our learning and in our assembly times. This half term we will focus on Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and the Rule of Law.


Article 12 - Respect for children’s views

Article 14 - Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

Article 16 - The right to privacy 

Article 17 - Access to information


Learning the story of Noah and the flood

Preparing our Sukkah for the festival of Sukkot


This half term we will be learning about various topics including: 

- Growing and changing from young to old.

- Understanding and following simple hygiene routines that can stop germs from spreading.

- What keeping healthy means.

- The roles of different people in the community.


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We will be following the scheme on Charanga YUMU.

How can we make friends when we sing together?


We will be identifying the pulse, rhythm and pitch, performing, improvising and composing our own music.


We will develop our Fundamental Movement Skills. We will be focusing on our overarm/underarm throwing and rolling by exploring different activities to improve our distance and accuracy. We will also use various obstacles and courses to improve our running. We will demonstrate different speeds of running and change of direction to improve our agility. By demonstrating control and balance we will use a variety of equipment to help us improve our jumping. 

Year 1 FMS ⭐️

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Throughout this half term, we will be exploring lots of different exercises and activities that will help develop physical and emotional well-being.

Learning Outside the Classroom

Learning outside the classroom is an integral part of learning at Stoneyholme, hence we will be using our outside area for lots of our learning.
