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Autumn 1


During the first few weeks at school the children will be settling in and learning the different routines.  The children will be exploring the classroom and choosing lots of different jobs and making new friends. 



We will be talking about how to respect our school, our responsibilities and how to follow the rules. 

This links to the Rights Respecting 

Article 28- Every child has the right to an education.



Look at our learning...

Our key question for the term will be:

Can you be the same and different at the same time? Is it OK to be different?

This will be discussed through stories and a range of activities that celebrate our similarities and differences. Our rights respecting focus is 'proud to be me'

During our PSED learning we will be reading 'The Colour Monster goes to School'. The story is about a monster who changes colour depending on how he is feeling. We will be exploring each feeling in detail.


We will also be focusing on hand hygiene, teeth health and walking to school.

What colour are you feeling?

Priya drew all the different colours of the colour monster and described his feelings.

We know how to clean our teeth...

and wash our hands.

We read ‘Ruby’s Worry’. We drew a picture of one of our worries and fed it to the Worry Monster.


In Phonics we will be learning how to orally blend and segment. We will start to learn the names and phonemes of some letters and how to write them. We will start putting some of these letters together to read and write simple words.


We will know how to listen carefully with Lola and talk clearly about stories that we've heard. We will know some Nursery Rhymes and be able to read and write our own names.


We will start to improve our core strength, arm movements, hand strength and finger dexterity to prepare us for writing.

We have lots of opportunities to read and write in the classroom.

Reading our name

Writing our name

During Maths we will be learning to say our numbers in order and reading numbers to 5. We will also be subitising to 3, touch counting objects and counting out from a larger group accurately. We will know that the number stays the same even when you move objects around. We will be representing sets using Numicon, fingers, ten frames and objects.

Using shapes we will make pictures, models and patterns. We will know how to describe objects by size and use non-standard units to measure them.

Representing numbers

Representing shapes

Size ordering

Repeating patterns

Can you find something bigger than a book?

Can you find something smaller than a pen or some scissors?

Can you represent your number bonds to 5 on a 5 frame?

In Expressive Art and Design we will be drawing and painting self portraits using mirrors to add detail.


We will learn about Wassily Kandinsky and Piet Mondrian. After looking at their work we will be making our own interpretations using chalk, paint and collage.

Our interpretations of Piet Mondrian’s art.

Our interpretations of Wassily Kandinsky’s ‘Concentric Circles’ in paint.

Our interpretations of Wassily Kandinsky’s‘Concentric Circles’ in pastel.

In Music we will be learning lots of different Nursery Rhymes and songs, exploring the sounds made by different instruments and beginning to keep the beat.

We have been expressing ourselves by the way we move to music.

Still image for this video

We are learning how to keep the beat.

Still image for this video

We are learning a new nursery rhyme and trying to keep the beat.

Still image for this video

We are exploring the sounds made by different instruments to our favourite song.

Still image for this video

Performing nursery rhymes

Still image for this video

In PE we are leaning our 5 fundamental movement skills: hopping, running, jumping, catching and throwing. We will know how to travel under, over and through climbing equipment.

The 5 fundamental movements

The children have been working on their core strength. We have been using lots of different equipment and obstacles to help us get stronger. 

In our learning about The World we will be exploring me and my family. We will be exploring our recent past, talking about significant places and events and finding out what makes a family. We will explore the whole school concept 'What does it mean to be a citizen?' and discuss how we can treat everyone as if they are family.

We were exploring significant events (parties) and recreating some of the food we ate at them.

We talked about our families and who is special to us. We talked about how we can show that we care and created a special family recipe

For ICT we will know how to keep safe online and how to use a password. We will know how to use the school apps including how to log in, complete work, save work and hand it in to a teacher.
