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Thursday 20th October


LC: To understand proportion and scale, from observations.

First, let’s start by researching drawings and paintings of Ancient Greek architecture.


You can use last weeks lesson to help you out.


Now, let’s paint the background by using a ‘wash’.

Do you remember how to do a ‘wash’?


Now that your wash has dried let’s draw.


Start by looking at the image above, discuss what you can see and how has it been drawn.


Look at the cypress trees, what can you see about their size, shape and proportion?


How can you draw like this?


Your teacher will now model how to draw the architecture followed by the trees.


Now that you have drawn lightly, using scale and proportion. You can now use paint or pastels to your picture.



When you have finished you can transfer the skills that you have learned and create another painting using Sketches.


I can’t wait to see your amazing pictures.


Take you time, do you best and be proud of your work.


