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Adverbials for Order

Firstly, Bees visit flowers in order to make the honey that they eat. They collect nectar, which is a sugary liquid, from the blossom by sucking it out. They store it in their honey stomachs which are separate to their other stomachs.


Secondly, stomachs fill up and they fly back to the hive. They get there, pass the nectar to worker bees who chew it and then pass it to the next bee. As it passes from bee to bee, it gradually turns into honey.


Finally, the bees store the honey in honeycomb cells – basically tiny jars made of wax. Because the honey is wet, they fan it with their wings to make it stickier. To keep it clean, they seal the cell with a wax lid.


How do these adverbials link the ideas across the paragraphs?
