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Key achievements to date until July 2020:

Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:

-Sustained ‘My Personal Best’ scheme, creating Personal Best areas.

-Targeted specifically the least active children in Y3&4.

-Took part in Active Life’s Survey (180 children took part).

-Achieved a GOLD award in the Schools Healthy Rating Scheme.

-Bought into ‘Teach Active’ Scheme – Targeted 18 least active children in EYs.

-Closed gaps between the amount of boys and girls attending lunchtime clubs: Increase of 35% (whole school) in girls attending lunch time activities.

-Targeted girl groups in Year 5&6 to attend more after school clubs.

- Staff attended CPD courses in Gymnastics and Dance to up-skill and cover gaps in knowledge.

- Part of the Lancashire PE Membership.

- Bought the My PE Passport App.

- Continued to provide Enrichment programme with a particular focus on targeted groups including SEND/AGT/Pupil Premium.

- Continued to offer wider range of activities offered to all children in extra-curricular, example: Tri-golf, Archery, and Curling. 186 children attended early morning clubs throughout KS2.

- 20 events attended in a wide range of activities. Targeted groups attended specific events: two SEND comps (10 pupils attended) and 24 Pupil Premium children attended competitions.

- Continued to work closely with the Local SSP to ensure continuity and growth. Bought into universal offer and coordinated support package.

-Accessed all the SSP has to offer.

KPI 1: Improve our facilities for the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity. Target specifically the least active girls in year 4.


KPI 2: Continue to close the gap between girls and boys applying and mastering through curriculum – whole school development. Focusing on specific areas: S/F & FMS.


KPI 3: Further CPD for staff: Boxing & Level 1’s for Sports Coaches. Lancashire PE Membership 2021/2022.


KPI 4: Continue to provide Enrichment programme with a focus on targeted groups including SEND/AGT/Pupil Premium. Be strategic and buy equipment needed to move forward into next academic year.


KPI 5: Intra School programme of competitions: increase numbers attending throughout school, as well as targeting specific groups and linking to curriculum areas.

Continue to work closely with the Local SSP to ensure continuity and growth. Buy into universal offer and coordinated support package. Access all the SSP has to offer.


Did you carry forward an underspend from 2019-20 academic year into the current academic year?      YES


(A)  Total amount carried forward from 2019/2020 £6508.19


(B)   Total amount for this academic year 2020/2021 (new money) £20,365.00


             (C)  Total funds for 2020-2021 = A + B           £26,873.19


            (D) Total spent in 2020-21 against key indicators as detailed in plan below: £20,451.72


             Expected amount of underspend to be carried over into 2021-2022 (C-D):    £6421.47


Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety.


N.B Complete this section to your best ability. For example you might have practised safe self-rescue techniques on dry land which you can transfer to the pool when school swimming restarts.

Due to exceptional circumstances priority should be given to ensuring that pupils can perform safe self rescue even

if they do not fully meet the first two requirements of the NC programme of study.


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?

N.B. Even though your pupils may swim in another year please report on their attainment on leaving primary school at the end of the summer term 2021.

Please see note above.


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]?

Please see note above.


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?


Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and sport premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?


Academic Year: 2020/21

Total fund allocated: £20,365.00

Date Updated: July 2021.


Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officers guidelines recommend that primary school pupils undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school

Percentage of total allocation:






Your school focus should be clear what you want the pupils to know and be able to do and about

what they need to learn and to

consolidate through practice:

Make sure your actions to achieve are linked to your intentions:

Funding allocated:

Evidence of impact: what do pupils now know and what can they now do? What has changed?:

Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Improve our facilities for the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity.



























Target specifically the least active girls in year 4.


Stoneyholme to have a daily mile track made for all pupils (classes) in school to access daily. The track will be made by the company Blue Bell Northwest.

























Interventions with small groups of year 4 girls in class bubbles. We will be targeting the least active, Pupil Premium and SEND.


£6052.00 (First invoice)


£4860.00 (Second invoice)


= £10,912.00























To further enhance our facilities and to facilitate this we had a track created and made by our Bio-Dome area. Children need to complete 5 laps to achieve 1K.

Having the track has played a huge part in helping to improving all our children’s fitness after we could see the impact Covid-19 has had on this. After only having the track for a short amount of time we could see a huge impact on the children’s fitness levels.

Every class (423pupils) accessed the track daily whether this was: during play times, dinner times and curriculum time. (Classes could choose when they wanted to access the track). 1k a day has become a huge part of Stoneyholme, it really helps us to feel good! Over the course of the year we have travelled 4321Km.



Sport Coach carried out bubble intervention groups with year 4 girls in Summer 2 term during PE and lunch times.

20 girls accessed all together.

Pupil premium = 7 and SEND = 2. The focus of the interventions was:

  • Looking at factors that contribute to us leading a healthier active lifestyle.
  • How can I make these changes to lead a healthier active lifestyle?
  • Focus on fielding, striking, bowling skills through Cricket (Y4 girls favourite activities).
  • Improving confidence and self-awareness – creating a positive attitude towards PESSPA.

Year 4 girls really enjoyed the sessions and we could see positive changes starting to happen, i.e. girls were making better choices because they had a more confident positive approach to physical activity. The girls wanted to take part in activities at lunchtime to help them improve. – Asking to bring in tennis balls from home/ borrow from school to practice.


Children will continue to sustain access to the 1K track in 2021/2022 to improve overall fitness levels and health and well-being. Class teachers will timetable and keep track of distance walked throughout the year. Running and walking clubs will be implemented into lunchtime and afterschool extra-curricular programmes.



















Continue with the intervention groups into 2021/2022.

Target: focus on Year 5&6 girls feeding them into extra-curricular programmes.

Key indicator 2: The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Percentage of total allocation:






Your school focus should be clear what you want the pupils to know and be able to do and about

what they need to learn and to

consolidate through practice:

Make sure your actions to achieve are linked to your intentions:

Funding allocated:

Evidence of impact: what do pupils now know and what can they now do? What has changed?:

Sustainability and suggested next steps:

To close the gap between girls and boys applying and mastering through curriculum objectives. – whole school development.

Close the gap between girls and boys applying and mastering skills through curriculum – Focus on Summer 2 through Striking and Fielding and FMS (Fundamental Movement Skills) objectives.


Sports Coaches targeted groups of children through PE lessons in KS1 to improve overall applying and mastering of skills in FMS.



80% of children in year 1 & 2 applied FMS skills.

57% of children in year 1 & 2 mastered FMS skills.

Children are now more confident in specific FMS skills but especially throwing and catching.



Sports Coaches targeted groups of children through PE lessons in KS2 to improve overall applying and mastering of skills in S/F.

KS2: S/F

75% of children in years’ 3,4,5&6 applied S/F skills.

53% of children in years’ 3,4,5&6 mastered S/F skills.

Children are now more confident in striking, bowling and fielding. Boys, especially were more confident when it come to the correct bowing technique.



Target closing the gap between girls & boys applying and mastering skills in Gymnastic and Dance units of work.

Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

Percentage of total allocation:






Your school focus should be clear

Make sure your actions to


Evidence of impact: what do

Sustainability and suggested

what you want the pupils to know

achieve are linked to your


pupils now know and what

next steps:

and be able to do and about



can they now do? What has


what they need to learn and to





consolidate through practice:





Further CPD for staff: Boxing & Level 1’s for Sports Coaches.





















Lancashire PE Membership 2021/2022.


Staff to attend CPD courses in variety of sports and to be up-skilled to cover gaps in knowledge.




















Stoneyholme to buy into Lancashire PE Membership/SOW/App


Funding allocated through BSSP.




















Lancashire PE Renew Membership £385.00

Sports Coaches was supposed to attend Boxing CPD called ‘Boxing 4 Fitness Activator’ in Summer 2 term, however this has been moved to Autumn term 2021/2022 due to Covid-19 issues.

















Stoneyholme renewed existing Lancashire PE Membership/SOW/App for 2020-2021. This included:

  • Electronic Lancashire PE Scheme of work on an APP called My PE Passport. (Included all year group updated schemes of work)
  • Video assessment and individual pupil portfolio to track pupil progress via My PE Passport App.

Sports Coaches to attend Boxing CPD in Autumn term – 13.10.2021


Access other CPD opportunities through BSSP:

  • Sports Coaches to attend ‘Swimming Charter Resources’ CPD on 16.09.21
  • Sports Coaches and Well-being lead to attend Active and Healthy Schools Conference on 13.12.21


Sports Coaches to also attend Level 1 Netball CPD.





Stoneyholme to renew Lancashire PE membership for 2021/2022 academic year. Renew costing £385.00 and continue to embed the app throughout school – specific focus on EYFS and new SOW.

Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

Percentage of total allocation:






Your school focus should be clear

Make sure your actions to


Evidence of impact: what do

Sustainability and suggested

what you want the pupils to know

achieve are linked to your


pupils now know and what

next steps:

and be able to do and about



can they now do? What has


what they need to learn and to





consolidate through practice:





Continue to provide Enrichment programme with a particular focus on targeted groups including SEND/AGT/Pupil Premium.











Be strategic and buy equipment needed to move forward into next academic year to cover a range of sports and activities offered to all children.


Continue to embed Sporting activities into our Enrichment program delivered on Friday afternoons. The activities are: Archery, Martial Arts, Dance (Ballet and Street), Balance-ability, Skiing and Scoot-ability. Adding a focus on SEND and Pupil Premium.





Equipment to be purchased from Lancashire PE Services – a local business.
















Due to Covid-19 this hasn’t been able to go ahead this academic year. We will be continuing with this in 2021/2022 with it moving into an extra- curricular programme. School will now finish at 2:45pm enabling children to stay for 1 hour of enriching activities.




A wide range of equipment was purchased ranging from: Tennis balls, hula hoops, tennis nets, boxing set, basketball/Netball shooting hoops.

We have been strategic by making sure we have enough equipment moving forward into 2021/2022 for Curriculum, Lunchtime and Enriching Extra-curricular activities enabling children to gain experiences in a wide range of sports and activities.

Sustain into 2021/2022 moving it to extracurricular enriching programme.










Make sure equipment is well maintained and looked after. Use 2021/2022 funds to fill gaps of new equipment needed.

Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport

Percentage of total allocation:






Your school focus should be clear

Make sure your actions to


Evidence of impact: what do

Sustainability and suggested

what you want the pupils to know

achieve are linked to your


pupils now know and what

next steps:

and be able to do and about



can they now do? What has


what they need to learn and to





consolidate through practice:





  1. Intra School programme of competitions – increase numbers attending throughout school, as well as targeting specific groups.


















































Continue to work closely with the local SSP to ensure continuity and growth. Buy into universal offer and coordinated support package. Access all the SSP has to offer.



Sports Leaders to introduce intra-school competitions during lunchtime activities with various year groups. This will be aimed on pupils achieving “personal bests”- linked with personal best areas in key stages throughout school.  Focus on KS1.







Incorporate more intra school competition during curriculum time. This will be focused on Summer term due to weather and being able to have larger groups.









Fitness intra-school competition

‘Stoneyholme Gets Fit’

























Stoneyholme to buy into Burnley School Sports Partnership ‘Phase 1 buy in.

Service includes:

  • SSCo support for the full academic year September to July (sustaining a cluster network beyond March)
  • A structured calendar of intra-school competition and virtual inter-school competition. Resources and in-school support will be supplied to schools where needed. The structure will allow schools to ensure targeted groups of children have opportunity to take part and will allow progress to be made against School Games Mark criteria.
  • 4 x Dance coaching sessions.
  • Central SSP support for September to March 31st
  • Daily Mile School resource
  • Access to a small CPD programme (where possible and safe, delivered face to face but to also include access to online CPD sessions).
  • Termly PE network meeting (either delivered virtually or in small clusters)
  • Access to Level 1/2/3 Bikeability programme (not Tots or L2R) if safe to be delivered.




Stoneyholme to buy into Burnley Schools Sports Partnership programme for 2021-2022 academic year.


Service offer includes:

  • High quality Competition and Festival Programme
  • PE Specialist supports (SSCo) to provide teaching and learning support to primary school teachers/staff
  • Continuous professional development learning courses.
  • PE Lead Support
  • Head Teacher Updates



Funded through SSP buy in.





























































































































Due to Covid-19 this hasn’t been able to take place this academic year. We will implement this in 2021/2022 by recruiting and training up new young leaders. Our aim is to









Intra-school competition was run through KS2 PE lessons in Autumn 2 term. These were based on Striking and Fielding (Cricket) skills and games. Each class competed against each other in their mini class bubbles. This was run through the last 3 weeks (30 mins) of the lesson. A total of 327 children competed in the intra school S/F event!



The whole school EYFS – Y6 took part in ‘Stoneyholme Gets Fit’ intra-school competition (223 children). This was run in Spring 2 when the children arrived back into school after the national lockdown. The competition ran for 3 weeks, children had to take part in a variety of fitness exercises achieving personal bests. Results were recorded and put onto the school website for all the children to access. Children achieving the best ‘Personal Bests’ out of each class gained a medal. We also gave badges out to children for amazing contribution and effort.  Children’s fitness levels increased in such a short amount of time. They really enjoyed taking part and specifically liked how they could see individual results on school website making it fun and exciting.




Stoneyholme accessed intra-school competition: Helen & Paddy came into Stoneyholme to host a year 3 Multi-skills Festival with 3P. 28 children (1 SEND) took part in the Multi-skills festival learning a variety of skills: throwing, catching, bouncing, running, hopping. The children had lots of fun and lots of badges and medals were won.


CPD: Liaised Please see KPI 3.


Sport Coach attended virtual termly PE Network meetings – this enabled us to meet safely and share updates and vital information.


Stonyholme accessed the virtual intra school competition programme. We took part in the following virtual events:

  • Yr 3&4 Cross Country: 118 pupils & 8 SEND pupils
  • Yr 5&6 Cross Country: 119 pupils & 6 SEND pupils
  • KS1 Skill Invaders: 115 children & 3 SEND pupils
  • SEND Multiskills: 10 SEND
  •  Yr 5&6 Sports Hall Athletics: 117 children & 6 SEND pupils.


We were able to target specific groups of children i.e SEND, Pupil Premium, Least Active and allow progress against the School Games criteria.





The buy-in for 2021/2022 has been funded out of 2020/2021.

Impact will be reported on the 2021/2022 PE funding report.

12 Young Leaders (Sports Crew) have already been recruited after a rigorous recruitment process. In Autumn term 2021 Sports Crew Leaders will take part in Young Leader training. They will focus on incorporating personal best areas through intra-school competition for key stage 1.




Continue to run intra-school events in 2021/2022 academic year.











Continue to run intra-school event in 2021/2022 academic year. This will be implemented into lunchtime and after school extracurricular programme.






















Buy into Burnley Schools Partnership programme 2022.











































Buy into Burnley Schools Partnership programme 2022.

