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Year's 1&2

Year's 1 & 2

Spring 2 Enrichment Blurbs


The Arts       


Health and Wellbeing        

Global Citizenship           



Health & Wellbeing: Feel Good Cooks 

Feel good about cooking and creating new healthy recipes!! Learn to cook, bake, mix, and stir like a great chef.  

Sports: Cricket 


Technology: Sketches 

Make your artistic skills digital, using your iPad to bring still objects to life in the best drawing app in school.  


Engineering: Propeller Car 

Design and build your own wind powered car using items from around school. Its small and lightweight. Let’s wind it up and see whose car goes the furthest.   


Global Citizenship: Nature Explorers  

Come and have fun learning about all the amazing nature in our school grounds.  

- Go on a nature hunt to count and record the wildlife in our school grounds 

- Check the bug hotel and make shelters and feeders for different wildlife 

- Plant seeds and bulbs to create a sensory area for other children to come and enjoy with their friends at playtimes 

- Make a hanging planter to take home from recycled materials 


Health & Wellbeing: Tatty Bumpkins YOGA (Y1) 

Taking children on a magical journey through Yoga inspired sessions. We will listen to music, read lots of exciting stories and, make various shapes and movements. Each week new developmental areas will be explored to support mindfulness and coping skills for children’s mental wellbeing.   


The Arts: Mini Drama Stars  

Mini Drama Stars is the perfect opportunity to become Stoneyholme's very own star, with learning how to act as part of a group and on your own. We will focus on expressions, telling stories, and most importantly, having fun whilst learning! Come along to learn a new skill with Miss Herbert. 


Technology: Purple Mash Game Design 

Bring your ideas to programming. Design and create your own games that your friends can enjoy playing.  


The Arts: Patch up.  

Come and join Patch up club! Would you like to make your own art piece by stitching a design? Come along to show off your amazing skills. Use your artistic talents to create something wonderful to share with your family or decorate your bedroom with! 


Health & Wellbeing: Mini Mindfulness  

Come and join mini mindfulness meditation and crafts! This will help you find ways to relax.  


Technology: Bee-Bots 

The fun and colourful robot that will follow your every instruction. Use your direction knowledge to complete different tasks.  


Sports: Active 60 

At Active 60 you will be introduced to fun fitness sessions where you will improve your stamina, power, speed, agility, and strength.  You will set goals and achieve personal bests as well as understanding the value of a healthy active lifestyle. 


Sports: Kwik Cricket 

Come to Stoneyholme’s Kwik Cricket club and learn lots of new skills! You will become masters of throwing, catching, bowling, striking, and fielding. We will learn the rules, officiate, and play in Kwik Cricket games.    

