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Year's 1&2

Year's 1&2    

Summer 1 

Enrichment Blurbs




Would you like to explore the school grounds, caring for the plants, planting up the pots and the flower beds?  Why not join our “Green Fingers Gardening club”. Gardening has many great physical, mental and emotional benefits for children, helping develop self-esteem levels as well as introducing sustainable living practices into their lives in a fun way. Gardening is also an amazing way to get you outdoors and to help you understand the natural world around you! 


First Aid   

 Earn a first Aid Champion certificate from the British Red Cross. 

Do you want to learn how to help someone in an emergency? First aid champions will teach you how to get help and what to do if someone is injured or poorly. Learn theses important skills that may help you to stay calm and help save somebody's life!  



Come along to an exciting opportunity where you will learn a different style of Dance with Yasmin, from Sanderson's Dance School. Ballet is a classical type of dance, where you will learn lots of shapes and positions using your feet and arms. You will have lots of fun!  


Interesting Instruments 

 Have you ever looked around the Studio and wondered what all those weird and wonderful instruments are? Well, if you want to find out - this is the Enrichment for you! Spend 5 weeks playing and testing out all the different instruments we have at Stoneyholme... from the Bongo Drums to the Grand Piano, and everything in-between! You will learn lots of new skills in this enrichment, why don't you come along and try it out 🙂   


Science Stars   

If you like science or want to be a scientist when you grow up, you will enjoy this collection of Crest Star activities that will allow you to explore everyday problems using science.  

- Brilliant bubbles - Can you find a way to blow different bubbles for Gem? 

- Peggy problem - Which are the best pegs for keeping washing on the line? 

- Rainbow collectors - Can you help Cosmic and Gem find all the colours of the rainbow around our school grounds? 

- Sneaky shadow - Does your shadow ever disappear? 

- Testing timers - Can you make a one-minute timer to take outdoors?  


Sports Day   

Have you got a competitive side to you? Do you want to get ahead with sports day activities and win on the day? If so then come and join in with this fun, challenging enrichment session where we will be running classic sports day activities. Make new friends, enjoy getting fit and get ready for sports day in the summer. 


Green Screen 

A green screen club is a fun way for young students to learn about visual effects and filmmaking. Using a green, students can film themselves and then digitally insert themselves into different backgrounds or scenes. This allows them to be creative and imagine themselves in all sorts of exciting places, from outer space to underwater. 


Speed Stacking  

Watch the exciting clip below to find out all about Speed Stacking! 

Episode 2 - Learn The 3-3-3 Stack - YouTube 


Spirited Arts (RE)

Are you creative and imaginative in R.E and Art? Can you think outside the box? Are you willing to take on new ideas 💡 and explore them further? If so come and join us as we launch the search for God and create a piece of art which reflects our ideas of where God is 


Road Safety

We will provide a fun and safe environment teaching children about what traffic is, why it is important that we know how to keep ourselves safe by the roads. As this is a vital life skill, we provide children with the resources and skills to support them becoming a confident pedestrian. 
By the end of our Road Safety course, children should: 
- Understand why it is important to stay safe when crossing a road. 
- Be able to recognise a range of safe places to cross the road. 
- Understand the differences between risky and safe choices. 
- Know different ways to help them keep safe when crossing a road. 


 Play Scripts   

This amazing drama enrichment will help you get used to using play scripts! It will challenge your reading skills, listening skills, teamwork skills but most importantly, your performance skills! In the next five weeks you will become an acting superstar and be ready to perform to an audience!   


Go Green in 15

You will take part in 5 fun outdoor Eco challenges to earn points for a bronze certificate as part of the Green Tree School award we are working to achieve for our school.  

- Make reading dens and read stories about nature in the Willow dome 

- Conduct a wildlife survey 

- Decorate a special tree in the Willow dome and create a video to share with everyone why it is special 

- Learn about a tree from a different culture 

- Bark and leaf rubbings 

Healthy Cooking

Would you like to learn a new skill? Come and join our healthy cooking club. You will learn how to cook some amazing new foods all prepared by yourselves to take home and enjoy with your family and friends. Be the next master chef! 
