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Year 4

Autumn 1: A magazine article on the Loch Ness Monster and a narrative based on the Loch Ness Monster.

Autumn 2: A character profile on the main character: Rumaysa using point and evidence. 

We used the the whoosh drama approach to immerse ourselves in the prologue of Rumaysa.

Sentences which have a fronted adverbial for when: 


When I ride my bike, I wear a helmet to stay safe. (Khubaib)


Before I went out to play, I ate pasta for my dinner. (Zakariya)


After I eat my dinner, I am allowed to eat my dessert. (Abdullah)


When I ride my bike, I always make sure that I am safe by checking for cars. (Faiza)

Working collaboratively to box up a non-chronological report and annotate features.
