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Year 1


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Naming parts of the body

Is power always a positive thing?

We have been learning about the power we have to make a difference to someone who might feel lonely, need help or has experienced hurtful or bullying behaviour.

As part of our learning for World Kindness Day, we have been answering the question: what does the word ‘kind’ mean?

We have identified the need to be kind to ourselves and others as good for our mental health. We looked in the mirror and said positive things to ourselves and we wrote and delivered special messages to those who are kind to us in school. We also thought about what to say to a trusted adult if we see or experience hurtful or bullying behaviour.

How can we protect our environment?

My Voice Matters-Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

We took part in a Children's University Masterclass by the Canal and River Trust about water safety.

This is what we found out:

If you can swim, you should still not go near the water as it is deep and you don't know what is underneath. (Emad)

If you don't know how to swim, you can wear a safety jacket. (Aila)

Follow SAFE- Stay Away From Edge! (Tanzeela)
