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Year 1


We have been learning about a time when women were not treated the same as men and were only allowed to study a few classes.

Rule of Law

We have been learning about Mary and Joseph having to travel to Bethlehem from Nazareth because it was the law at the time.

We have been learning about how it is against the law to make a hoax call to the emergency services.

Individual Liberty

We have been learning that individual liberty is about having the freedom to choose, so long as it doesn't hurt others.


We have linked out learning to events in our innovated story of Zog.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

We have been celebrating World Kindness Day and ‘Making a noise’ for Anti-Bullying Week.

We learnt all about respect. Click the image below to learn more.


We have also been learning about the responsibilities we have when we make individual choices in Science. Click here to find out more.
