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Pupil Premium 2020/21

Pupil Premium Report 2020/21



The pupil premium is additional funding given to schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.  The government uses eligibility recorded as Ever 6 FSM at pupil level in year groups reception to year 6.  At Stoneyholme Community Primary School, 110 (26%) of pupils were eligible under this measure.  We received £ 126,430 with additional funding from the school’s budget being used to subsidise this.



Barriers to Learning:

94% of pupils are measured at E* in the Overall Multiple Deprivation Index breakdown and we serve a ward that is in the top 1% of deprivation nationally.  At Stoneyholme Community Primary School, there is an uncompromising, school-wide commitment to raising achievement for ALL pupils, whatever their background or ability and a key objective for the use of the pupil premium grant is to close the gap between pupil groups. 

We recognise that common barriers to learning for disadvantaged pupils can be:

  • Weak language and communication skills.
  • Lack of confidence.
  • More frequent behavioural difficulties.
  • Attendance and punctuality issues.
  • Less support at home. 
  • There may also be complex family situations that impact children’s learning and progress. 

The challenges are intricate and varied, therefore it is important that individual needs are identified and addressed as we are very clear that negatively impacting outside factors are not an excuse for underachievement.


Aims for utilising the Pupil Premium Grant:


  • To further develop language and communication skills
  • To close the attainment gap in Reading
  • To close the attainment gap in Writing
  • To close the attainment gap in Mathematics
  • To close the vocabulary gap
  • To continue to improve confidence, independence and self esteem
  • To continue to improve the wider opportunities available for all our pupils
  • To continue to improve attendance and punctuality
  • To continue to develop parental engagement, support and partnership work to remove barriers to learning
  • For ALL pupils to achieve the highest possible standards and realise their full potential in all aspects of their learning



  • Early identification and intervention

These are key to accelerating progress and maximising learning for all pupils and central to all of our practice, achieved in the following ways:

-Strong baseline assessments and ongoing summative and formative assessment to inform planning, differentiation and provision mapping for individuals, groups and classes.

-Challenging target setting for all pupils in Reading Writing and Mathematics (based on FFT D predictions).

- A robust pupil tracking systems, with meticulous analysis undertaken every half term to identify any under achievement at the earliest opportunity.

- Half termly progress meetings held with teachers and the headteacher to ensure all pupils’ needs are accurately identified.

- Half termly Provision Mapping completed by Senior Leaders and class teachers to ensure interventions are timely and effective in closing the attainment gap for pupils and groups at risk of not meeting their targets.

- Formal weekly SAT meetings (Supervision and Target Setting) involving teaching, support and pastoral staff. The prime purpose of these meetings is to address the engagement and progress of those children identified through assessments as needing additional support in order to accelerate their progress and narrow the attainment gap.

-An immediate response to the identification of pupils at risk of harm and engaging with partners to respond appropriately, supported by high quality safeguarding training and the support of the pastoral team.

-SLT hold regular Standards Meeting to monitor, analyse and evaluate learning and teaching. 

-Teaching staff are given additional non-contact time in order to complete tasks related to the analysis and raising of standards to ensure a swift response to underachievement.

-Interventions are targeted forensically and moderated stringently using assessment data, observations, work scrutiny, pupil interviews etc. in order to ensure that pupils are accessing provision highly tailored to their specific needs.

-Swift response when under achievement is identified including re-deployment of staff, changes of interventions, involvement of school specialist staff or ‘bought in’ services, parental involvement/support etc.

-Support staff are given high quality training and support to plan and deliver effective interventions.

-The employment of high quality staff with complementary skills to provide additional support needed by our pupils and families and to assist with the early identification of need (Outreach Worker with specialism in Speech and Language, Children and Family Lead, Family Liaison Worker)


  • Strong teaching of basic skills and a curriculum designed to meet the needs of the pupils at Stoneyholme, removing barriers to their learning and sustaining school improvement

This has been achieved by:

-The employment of an additional teacher in Year 2 (for one term), and year 6 (for 2 terms) to reduce the pupil to teacher ratio, thus ensuring that high quality first teaching could be most effectively targeted at groups at risk of underachievement.

-Targeted CPD linked to School Development Plan targets

- Quality First Teaching and expertise in learning and teaching strategies and interventions.

- In response to a period of school closure due to the global COVID 19 pandemic (January 4th – March 8th), remote teaching and learning provision of the highest quality, harnessing the full potential of technology to enhance accessibility for and the engagement of our pupils.

- In order to ensure that school based teachers and LSAs could focus fully on high quality provision for children required to undertake remote learning during the period of school closure, one FT teacher and 2 LSAs were employed to supervise and support those children attending school

-The continued employment of specialist staff (Sports Coach, ICT Support Assistant in addition to existing ICT Manager, Speech and Language specialist LSA, Specialist EAL LSA) to provide excellent curriculum support.

- Maintained commitment to providing learning opportunities which provoke a response of awe and wonder in our pupils.

-In order to enable all children to undertake meaningful reading whilst undertaking remote learning, we subscribed to Collins Phonics Bug Club Active Learn for EYFS and Year 1 children and MyOn for Year 2, in addition to renewing the MyOn subscription for all children in KS2.



  • Further developed parental engagement/support programmes to improve partnerships and remove barriers to learning

-Prioritised need and designed a programme of family and community support, ensuring participation by adapting our practice of face-to-face provision with online learning packages, designed and facilitated by school staff.

-Ensured high quality monitoring and evaluation of the programmes linked directly to positive impact for children, tracking their academic progress

-Formed meaningful partnerships to share expertise and resources for delivery of the required programmes.

-Maintained a high quality staff with complementary skills to create a cohesive, skilled and high performing team.

-Further developed strategies for engaging with parents to the benefit of our children, including those who find working with school difficult.

-Further strengthened transition from pre-school into the Foundation Stage including; working with nursery providers, parents and carers to identify and prioritise needs and using home visits, open days, new intake meetings etc. to share strategies to ensure a greater number of children were prepared to start school.




NB – Measures are based on end of Key Stage Teacher Assessments at the end of Summer Term, as statutory assessments did not take place due to Covid 19 school closures)


EYFS (15 children, 1 SEN)


The gap in attainment at expected or above has reduced substantially from the previous year to 2% in reading, writing and number and 1% in Shape, Space and Measures (2019-2020 gap: Reading -30%, Writing –28%, Number -33%, Shape, Space and Measures -24%)


KS1 (23 children, 3 SEN)



Pupil Premium pupils achieving Expected+ is 16% below Non-Pupil Premium pupils in school which represents a 5% further narrowing of the attainment gap when compared with the previous year (21%).



Pupil Premium pupils achieving Expected + is 11% below Non-Pupil Premium pupils, which represents a 10% further narrowing of the attainment gap when compared with the previous year (21%).



Pupil Premium pupils attaining Expected+ is 2% below Non-Pupil Premium pupils, which represents a substantial narrowing of the attainment gap the previous year. (21%)


KS2 (17 children, 2 ENew Arrivals EAL, 1 SEN)


Pupil Premium pupils attaining Expected+ is 15% above Non-Pupil Premium pupils. This represents good impact of measures taken as in the previous year the percentage was 4% lower.



Pupil Premium pupils attaining Expected+ is 11% above Non-Pupil Premium compared to -5% in the previous year.





Pupil Premium pupils attaining Expected+ is 4% lower than Non-Pupil Premium.  This represents a narrowing of the attainment gap by 6% when compared to the previous year.


These figures demonstrate that measures taken to narrow the attainment gap for disadvantaged pupils has overall had a positive impact on outcomes for them, particularly by the end of KS2. It is not possible to provide measures against national and local data this year as these figures were not determined. This group of children also missed out on almost a term of face-to-face intervention which would have contributed to greater progress and attainment.

Full evaluations and measures of the impact of ensuring our disadvantaged children access a broad range of experiences they otherwise might not in order achieve the aims of our vision statement were not undertaken due to COVID 19 restrictions and arrangements and school closure during the Spring term.

During COVID 19 school closure, the provision for and engagement and progress of our most disadvantaged children was rigorously monitored. Weekly welfare calls were made to families by our pastoral support team and teachers were in regular email contact. Parents were signposted to the appropriate support to help them, in turn, best support their children.

Provision was put into place to ensure that our most disadvantaged children were able to access the technology they needed through the loan of iPads and laptops and access to technical support when needed.

Evidence shows that engagement and participation increased hugely because of the measures implemented.


Pupil Premium Spending:



1 x additional teacher Y2, Autumn Term


1 x additional teacher Y6, Autumn Term, Spring Term


Teach Active Maths and English


Specialist EAL LSA


Speech and Language LSA


Talk 3 training


Talk 6 Training


1x teacher and 2x LSAs to facilitate supervision and support of key worker and vulnerable children attending school during school closure. (Jan 4th – Mar 8th.)


Phonics Bug Club subscription


MyOn subscriptions


Apple ipad and accessories x 60





