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July 2020
Dear parents/carers

I hope you and your family are all safe and well.

I am sure you are aware that the Government is planning for all children to return to school in September.  Due to the fact that COVID_19 is still a threat, this plan comes with restrictions and specific guidance that we must follow.  We are still waiting for a Risk Assessment to be issued by the Local Authority and if the infection rate changes at any point between now and then; this will affect how we open to ensure the safety of your children, your family, our staff and their families.  What I am able to tell you at this point in time is:

  • Classes will be taught in a ‘bubble’.  Each bubble will be kept separate from all other bubbles in school to limit the transmission of the virus across larger numbers of children/staff.
  • There will be different start and finish times for different groups to limit the number of children and adults arriving and leaving the school at the same time.
  • Children will need to be brought to school by an adult (over 18) to help maintain social distancing on the way to and from school and on the school grounds.
  • Adults will not be able to come into school unless prior arrangements have been made.
  • Enhanced cleaning procedures will be in place.  Each learning area has a cleaning station and shared areas, such as toilets, dining hall etc. will be cleaned before a different bubble has to use them.
  • Children will be taught in their classrooms (or outside as much as possible) and movement around school will be kept to a minimum.
  • Social distancing measures, appropriate to the age of the children will be in place.
  • Sharing of resources will be limited, children will be given their own stationery packs etc. and where sharing is unavoidable, thorough cleaning will take place.
  • Additional sinks and sanitisers (with World Health Organisation recommended gel) have been placed around school.  Children will wash their hands each time they enter or leave their classroom and regularly throughout the day.

We will contact each of you in due course to give you the final details about your child’s return.  The start of term is WEDNESDAY 2nd SEPTEMBER when we look forward to welcoming all of the children in Year 1 -6 back to school.

In the meantime, we look forward to seeing the transition work your child has completed (this will help them to settle into their new class) and look out for news about our exciting Summer School Challenge on the website!

Take care and stay safe!

Lisa Davison
