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We have lots of opportunities to read and write in the classroom.

We have been practising reading and writing our names.

Reading our name

Writing our names.

We have been practising how to form our letters correctly

We’ve been learning the story of the Queen’s hat. We have been using the story map with actions to help us learn it by heart.

We used props to retell the story.

We have been using phonics to write sentences

Applying phonics to create posters for the classroom

Innovated sentences

Reading and writing instructions

Writing about which community hero we might like to be

After learning about community heroes, some children decided to make wanted posters after role playing that someone had stolen Mrs Khanam’s bag.

Independent writing about a community hero

Superhero incident reports

Letters to Supertato

We had a storyteller to visit from the library service. We really enjoyed listening to the different stories.
