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Year 6

Light and Shadows

In Year 6, we have been learning about light and shadows. Have a look at some of our work that we have done in class below. It explains how light travels and how we see things.




We have been learning about electrical circuits and how the voltage or number of cells in a circuit affects a bulb or buzzer. We have been also learning how to draw circuit diagrams. 

We used the outdoor classroom to carry out a scientific investigation involving electricity. We thought like scientists when we predicted how increasing cells in a circuit might affect other components such as a bulb or a buzzer. After making a prediction, we carried out a fair test and made a conclusion. 

Science Week

Homemade Doorbell (Circuits)

In Science week, we investigated and expanded our knowledge on circuits. We made a ‘Homemade Doorbell’ using a battery, buzzer, wires and a switch to demonstrate our understanding of how a circuit works.

Electrical Conductors and Insulators

In year 6, we carried out an experiment to test different materials. We used a simple circuit including a battery and a buzzer to see if the materials would conduct electricity. We were really surprised when the play dough conducted electricity!
