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Spring Term 1

Spring 1



In Literacy, we will be reading ‘Fables’. We will use Talk for Writing to learn the story 'Woolly Wolf’, then we will write our own version. We will be identifying our favorite words and phrases from the story and considering dialogue, which will be punctuated using inverted commas. We will be writing complex sentences using a comma where the subordinating clause comes first. We will learn about subordination for reason and develop characters with the story. We will also sequence events in our stories. We will also be learning about Recounts in the form of Diaries. This will be linked to our topic on The Stone Ange to Iron Age



In Maths, we learned how to solve problems with knowledge of measurement including length, weight and volume. We needed to know how to measure and read scales as well as converting between two measures eg 10 mm = 1 cm.

Children who are continuing to complete their maths homework and learning their multiplication tables were at an advantage during this half term's learning.  

Please help your child to learn

        x2 x5 x10 - year 2

and x3 x4 x8 - year 3

as well as the division facts.


6 x 3 = 18     3 x 6 = 18      18 divided by 6 = 3    18 divided by 3 = 6.



In Science, we learned about all about rocks and fossils.




We will compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties. We will also describe how fossils are formed, when things that have lived are trapped within rock.  




Religious Education.


In RE our focus question is 'What qualities make a good leader.' We will discuss the similarities and differences between religions. 


We have been learning about Sikhism. Specifically, Guru Nanak and the 10 Gurus and Guru Gobin Singh and the start of the Khalsa.



We used Purple Mash in Art to learn about 'digital artwork'. We produced a piece using 'pointillism' and also learned how to alter the size, thickness, colour of the digital tools. 





We will develop ways of travelling, balancing on small body parts and create a sequence of travel and balance actions. We will also develop ways of rolling, jumping, shape and landing. We will create a sequence of gymnastic actions and perform these using apparatus. We will evaluate and recognise our successes. 


Creating shapes, capital letters with small body part balances!

Performing a 6 actioned sequence.

Still image for this video


We will select travelling actions and movements to convey different characters, along varied pathways.  We will also create a sequence conveying a challenge using travel, turn and gesture.  Finally, we will combine all elements, in order to tell a story.  


Click here to see our amazing P.E work! 

Communicating characters with gestures

Group performance (Superheroes)

Still image for this video



In PSHCE, we are learning about Internet safety and caring friendships.  We will learn about the benefits of the internet and the importance of balancing time online with other activities, think about strategies for managing time online.  We will also learn about the common features of a good family life and sharing experiences such as spending time together and how we celebrate special days.


In Well-being, we will be exploring lots of different exercises and activities that will help develop physical and emotional well-being.

Our amazing well-being work!
