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Week 4 Worrying

Welcome back to Wellbeing Wednesday and fabulous February!


Another exciting week of great ideas and tips on how to improve our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing, and beat those winter blues!

This week the first video is the explanation of ‘what is worry’. From a very young age we start ‘thinking’ about matters that are beyond our control, for example ‘what if it rains? What if it snows? What other people may think, say, or do?  Creating scenarios that may not exist, and thinking about it over, and over, again. These are all what’s known as ‘overthinking’.  Worrying excessively can result in individuals becoming mentally and physically exhausted.

It’s recognised that some manage ‘overthinking’ better, and for some, professional support may be necessary to help cope.

With the coming of Coronavirus, people around the globe have been put in a ‘never before’ situation. Communities have started placing importance on prioritising their emotional and physical care.

It’s been wonderful to hear how people have strategies in place to manage themselves. Last week I heard families have started going for walks to help calm the, people being more creative like drawing, painting, learning to play a musical instrument and the list for calmness and connectivity doesn’t stop.

Watch the first video on ‘3 steps to overcoming worry’.

Three Steps to Overcoming Worry

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 After watching the video I hope you have a better understanding in why not to worry about things that have not happened or are beyond ones control.

And here is this week’s meditation to remove those worries and calm the mind.

STOP Overthinking Guided meditation

Still image for this video

Keep checking those Fabulous February calendar activities!




This week is Child Mental Health week awareness; I have added a useful link for your information. It has lots of interactive activities to support your child’s wellbeing.

Don’t forget to email me with pictures, comment and ideas on this email: -


Keep in mind government advice on social distancing and keeping safe!
