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Summer 2



This term in English we read the poem Macavity the Mystery Cat and used it innovate a recount news broadcast. We also learned and performed the poem. For the second part of our unit we wrote a newspaper report on Macavity.

Year 4 investigating the crimes that have taken place over the weekend in our classroom.

Performing a section of the poem, Macavity the mystery cat.

Still image for this video


In Athletics, we performed various throws using pull, push, and sling actions for distance. We also explored different running and 5 jumping techniques. We recognised strengths and areas for improvement in our own performance.



 This term in Engineering we took part in the rail project. In groups we made train carriage from wood and added axles and wheels. We then used our cross curricular knowledge of electricity to make a circuit to run our train.




This term we worked on Geometry, looking at how to measure perimeter and area of shapes and knowing the difference between different angles. We also be looked at classifying different triangles and quadrilaterals and understanding symmetry.



   In Geography, we studied the country of Italy. We looked at the human and physical features including major cities, volcanoes, tourist attractions, rivers and lakes. We learned about the economy of Italy and the goods they produce and send to other parts of the world. We then looked at one area: Tuscany and compared it the the area in which we live: Lancashire.

We used atlases to locate Italy.



We will looked at ways of carrying out shared responsibilities for protecting the environment in school and at home and how everyday choices can affect the environment (e.g. reducing, reusing, recycling; food choices)



We learned about the features of positive healthy family relationships and friendships such as mutual respect, trust and sharing interests.


Link to concept questions, 


What does it mean to be a citizen?


Is being part of a community the same for everyone? 


In Science, we looked at different ways that plants and animals can be classified by looking at their similarities and differences.  We learned the scientific name for animal groups and use the local environment to investigate which living things share our habitat. We set up a simple enquiry and found out how to use classification keys to record our understanding.

We  also looked at food chains and consider how changes to our environment can affect animal habitats.

A wildlife hunt around school to support the creation of a classification key.

This term in Science, we also learnt about Electricity. We identified common appliances that run on electricity. We learnt how to construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches, and buzzers. We identified whether a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery. We experimented with how a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether a lamp lights in a simple series circuit. And we looked at common conductors and insulators. 

Year 4 investigate insulators and conductors by setting up a simple circuit.

Children work together to make a bulb light up in a simple circuit.




  In RE, we be looked at figures of authority at home, at school and in the community. 

We explained why the Bible can be described as a library and give examples of the different types of writings found in the Bible. We also described why some Christians might view the Bible as an important source of authority and moral guidance.


Link to concept question, 

              Is being part of a community the same for everyone? 


Article 14:  Every child has the right to think and believe what they choose and also to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights.
