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Summer 1



We will be reading the Middle-Eastern enchanting and magical folk tale Aladdin. We will explore the vocabulary and demonstrate our understanding through role-play and drama. We will also collect our favourite words and phrases to use in our own writing.



As Mathematicians, we will be learning to tell the time to the nearest five minutes. We will also be finding the durations of time using analogue clocks. You can help your child to learn by asking them questions like, 'It is 3 o'clock now, what time will it be in 1 hour?'


We will also be learning to measure and compare volumes of liquid using different containers. Please encourage your child to look at volumes of household objects like drinks, shampoo and washing up liquid.







In Computing, we will be learning to test and amend a set of instructions and 

to find errors in code and debug.



We will be learning how rules and restrictions help them to keep safe (e.g., basic road, fire, cycle, water safety; in relation to medicines/ household products and online.)
We will learn to identify risky and potentially unsafe situations (in familiar and unfamiliar environments, including online) and take steps to avoid or remove themselves from them. 
We will be able to recognise risk in simple everyday situations and what action to take to minimise harm.



As Musicians, we will be listening to different types of music to appreciate similarities and differences between patterns and rhythms.


In Striking/Fielding, we will be developing the skill of throwing overarm for distance, striking a ball, fielding a ball and then applying these skills in a simple game.

British Values and Rights Respecting School


We will continue to develop our understanding of British Values linking them through our learning and in our assembly times. This half term we will focus on Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and the Rule of Law.


We will focus on article 29: Education must develop every child's personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child's respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.
