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Spring Term 1

Spring Term 1


What a Wonderful World 





In Literacy, we will be reading the story of Alice in Wonderland.  We will identify new vocabulary and phrases from the story and identify adverbials that link ideas across paragraphs. In Reading, we will be focusing on  sequencing events, retrieving information and making inferences around the various characters. We will be exploring the structure of each chapter and how they are linked and how the author creates humour. Towards the end of half term, we will be writing about our own character in our own ‘Wonderland’. 



Have a look below at some examples of the children’s Reading and Literacy work. 






In Art we will focus on images of the character from Alice in Wonderland. We will be revisiting drawing skills to form tone and shade and observational drawing.


First, we will be sketching using different techniques and shadows to formulate a drawing. We will also be working on brush control, using of thin and thick, marks, textures, layering, colour mixing and washes.  


Moving on from this, we will be looking at size and the proportion of characters,  using these to create a digital art final piece on Purple Mash.  




In Maths, we will be working on fractions, decimals and percentages. We will be learning to divide whole numbers to create fractions and create mixed numbers and improper fractions when dividing whole numbers. We will learn to write, find, compare and order improper fractions and mixed numbers using a number line and pictorial methods. In addition, we will learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide mixed fractions, whole numbers and improper fractions. 


Alma 5F




Ahad 5F



Adding Fractions


In R.E, we will be making links between beliefs and sacred texts including how and why religious sources are used to teach and guide believers. We will be explaining the impact of beliefs and values, including reasons for diversity and why we might use different forms of expression. Our learning will interpret the deeper meaning of symbolism which is contained in stories, images and actions and we will explain why people might seek wisdom and guidance and where to find it. 


In PSHCE, we will be learning to recognise and respect that there are different types of family structure and that families of all types can give family members love, security and stability. We will understand that people who love and care for each other can be in a committed relationship (e.g. marriage), living together, but may also live apart. We will learn how to recognise if family relationships are making us feel unhappy or unsafe and how to seek help or advice. Our learning will show us how sleep contributes to a healthy lifestyle, how sleep or the lack of sleep can affect the body, our feelings, behaviour and our ability to learn. We will see how the benefits of being outdoors and in the sun is good for our physical and mental health. 


In ICT, we will be learning about the potential risk of providing personal information online.


In Well-being, we will be exploring lots of different exercises and activities that will help develop physical and emotional well-being.

Our amazing well-being work!



We will be having a READING challenge on Myon.



PE: Dance

In Dance, we will use a stimulus (set of instructions and English vocabulary) to create gestures, travelling patterns, stillnesses and explore contrasting emotions with different ways to demonstrate. We will learn how to work in unison and use canon effectively to develop techniques to perform with accuracy, control and timing. We will perform in pairs, groups and as a whole class performance.

Dance vocabulary task.

Still image for this video

Working in pairs to create a dance sequence using travel, turn, jump, stillness and gestures.

Still image for this video