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Spring Term 1

Spring Term 1


During this half term, our class novel will be Wonder. Throughout the novel, we will explore themes of empathy, friendship, acceptance and celebrating differences. After working through the teaching sequence, we will use these themes within our own innovated narratives. 


During Autumn Term 2, we will be continuing our maths learning, through the Maths No Problem scheme.  We will begin by learning all about decimals before moving on to measurements and worded problems. 


In geography, we will be studying earthquakes. We will investigate how, why and where earthquakes occur around the Earth. 


During the Spring term, we will be investigating light and shadows before moving on to electricity. 


In history, we are going to be learning about a significant period of British and world history - The Victorians. As part of our studies, we will be finding out about the Industrial Revolution and how the British Empire became a global power. 

We have learning about the world’s first intercity railway - Liverpool to Manchester, and the the development of Stephenson’s groundbreaking locomotive - Rocket. 




We will create partner balances using matched and mirrored shapes. Perform counter and tension balances, creating sequences with our partners and in a group. We will perform sequences and develop them onto apparatus. We will evaluate success of paired and grouped sequences.
