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Spring 2


We will be reading texts around the theme ‘birds’. We will be using Talk for Writing to learn a non-chronological report, so we can write our own version. We will identify technical words and phrases about birds and explore how authors use paragraphs to inform readers.


We will also be reading Jill Tomlinson's The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark. We will explore the language used and identify similarities and differences between different chapters. We will then use this information to help us write a chapter of our own. 


We will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes and their different properties. We will explore how to draw shapes, make patterns with shapes and turn shapes using familiar language. 
We will be learning to name fractions of the same denominations and equal fractions looking at halves and quarters. We will compare and order fractions and counting wholes and parts. We will learn to count in halves, quarters and thirds.



Our maps of the school grounds.




In Dance, we will explore, remember, repeat and link a range of actions with control and co-ordination. We will show relationships between two characters and, recognise and describe how different activities make us feel. We will link sequences together to retell a story.


In Music we are learning how and practicing to sing accurately with a small pitch range, along with demonstrating a simple tune on an instrument. We are learning some music vocabulary and their meanings; pitch, rhythm and tempo, and we are carrying on with appraising and exploring different musicians every month. 

Here are some children from 2F telling the class what they thought/felt about our March Musician of the Month!


Still image for this video


We will be learning how rules and restrictions help them to keep safe (e.g., basic road, fire, cycle, water safety; in relation to medicines/ household products and online.)
We will learn to identify risky and potentially unsafe situations (in familiar and unfamiliar environments, including online) and take steps to avoid or remove themselves from them. 
We will be able to recognise risk in simple everyday situations and what action to take to minimise harm.


British Values and Rights Respecting School

We will continue to develop our understanding of British Values linking them through our learning and in our assembly times. This half term we will focus on Individual Liberty.


We will focus on two articles:

Article 13- Every child has the right to find things out and share what they think with others.


Article 14 - Every child has the right to think and believe what they choose and also to practise their religion, as long as they are

not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Governments must respect the rights and responsibilities of parents to guide their child as they grow up
