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In Geography at Stoneyholme Primary School, we aim to provide opportunities to develop children's sense of wonder at the beauty and scale of the world. Through studying Geography, our pupils develop their understanding of citizenship; their knowledge and understanding of national, regional, religious and ethnic identities in the UK and the wider world. Geography enables our children to understand the social and cultural influences on their lives. The children discuss and reflect upon social, political, economic and environmental issues.


Their learning will include the use of geographical vocabulary, enquiry skills, fieldwork skills, mapping, questioning, the use of photographs and the study of places in the UK and the wider world. To ensure the children have a wide range of experiences, trips and visitors are included as often as possible. The outdoor environment and local area around school will be used frequently to embed and increase their subject knowledge.

Through rigorous enquiry, our pupils gain and deploy a geographical  understanding through our school's curriculum. The children explore disciplinary concepts as they move through school - allowing them to apply new knowledge as they revisit these throughout both key stages. This approach encourages deeper understanding and prepares our pupils for future learning.  


Disciplinary Concepts for Geography


Similarities & Differences

 Research & Enquiry

Cause & Consequence


Substantive Concepts for Geography


Locational knowledge

Place knowledge

Environmental, physical and human geography

Geography skills and fieldwork


The children also consider our whole school concept questions throughout their learning in Geography. 


What does it mean to be a citizen

Does equality always mean treating everybody the same?

Is power always a positive thing?

Does change always make things better?

Is trade necessary?

Is being part of a community the same for everyone?





Learning Outside the Classroom


Where appropriate, children should be involved in activities outside of the classroom. One lesson which can easily translate from indoor learning to the outdoors is geography. As geography aims to help children to make sense of their surroundings and learn about different environments, the school grounds can be a great starting place – presenting pupils with a miniature environment they can study and learn from. 

Getting outside also allows children to experience the UK’s ever changing weather first hand and observe the seasons and nature and experience and observe phenomena in nature. 

Throughout the school curriculum, our pupils also study the local environment where they can carry out field studies by making observations and recording their findings.  
