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Autumn 2


We will be reading stories around the theme ‘explorers’. We will be using Talk for Writing to learn the story 'The Great Explorer' so we can write our own version. We will identify our favourite words and phrases from the story and identify time adverbial openers including first, then and next which help us sequence events in order.

Sequencing the main events from our story.

Halloween poems

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Halloween poems

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In Maths, we will be learning to solve multiplication and division calculations.

We will learn to measure length in metres and centimetres and understand that mass is measured in kilograms and grams by using weighing scales.

Words we will use include meters, centimeters, kilometers, grams and kilograms. Please ask your child to look at food labels for weights of packages.

Using weighing scales to measure mass


Identifying things that are alive, never alive or once alive.



Where are they going?

What are they doing?


What country are they in?


Ordering the key events from Sir Robert Falcon Scott’s life.


We created collages of fireworks

We thought about shape and scale to create collages of ‘The snail’ by Henry Matisse

Appreciating the work of Tony Cragg to create a collage using mixed media and techniques.


We thought about what Christians mean when they say ‘Jesus is the the light’.


Christians mean that Jesus can help them go the right way.’ Umaymah


’Christians mean Jesus has the power to give us light when we are scared. ‘ Haniya


’Christians mean Jesus helps you when you are sad.’ Haseeb

Logo design for Inter Faith Week

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Logo design for Inter Faith Week

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Logo design for Inter Faith Week

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In Computing, we will link our work with PSHCE when we learn about protecting ourselves from harm and learning how to get out of situations that make us feel uncomfortable, including when we are online.

As a Rights Respecting School, we will be looking at Article 19: Every child has the right to be protected from harm.

We will use technology to organise digital content.

We are also going to be writing a simple program and testing it, we will predict what the outcome of a simple program will be.

Taking Pictures

Landscape or Portrait

What makes a good photograph?


In Music, we will be listening to different types of music to appreciate similarities and differences between patterns and rhythms.

P.E. Gymnastics

In Gymnastics, we will develop skills of travelling on hands and feet, explore balancing on different body parts and perform rolling actions. We will link these actions together to create a simple sequence and adapt a sequence of moves to apparatus.


Sticky shapes, jumps, balances and travels 🐻🤸‍♀️🦀

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We will learn ways to manage big feelings and the importance of sharing feelings with someone they trust.

To understand how to recognise when they might need help with feelings and how to ask for help when they need it.

Kind words can help people feel better if they are upset or if they have upset someone else.

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British Values and Rights Respecting School

We will continue to develop our understanding of British Values linking them through our learning and in our assembly times. This half term we will focus on Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and the Rule of Law.


We will focus on article 29: Education must develop every child's personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child's respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.


We will also focus on article 12: Every child has the right to share their opinions on things that matter to them and have their views taken seriously.
