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Warm up

First, look at the example below. As you can see, the sentence start with an 'ing' opening clause. The opening clause is then separated with a comma. 


Now, it is your turn to write the next sentence. Write the next sentence with an 'ing' opening clause using the word 'Moving'.

Today we are going to be writing a letter as Alice. You (Alice) are going to be writing a letter home to Alice's mum or dad to tell them all about the experience she has had at the tea party.

Step 1

Look at the informal letter below and its layout. You are going to be writing your letter in the same way. The address in the in the right corner with the date below. The letter begins with 'Dear' whoever you are writing to and its ends with love.

Step 2

Read the pages below to remind yourself of everything Alice experiences. As you read, think carefully about what she would like to tell her mum or dad about.  

Step 3

Watch the video clip below to remind yourself further of the events that Alice experiences.

Alice in Wonderland Mad Tea Party.mp4

Still image for this video

Step 4

Below are some of the events that take place at the tea party that Alice might want to talk about in her letter home to her mum or dad. There are also more unusual events that take place. Can you find what they are?

Step 5

Look at the steps to success below. I would like to see these in your writing. You could include other grammar features that we have learned this year as well. 


Also, remember your punctuation! 


First, write the date and LC in your blended learning book.


Then, magpie the address and write it in the top corner of your page. Begin the letter with 'Dear Mother' or 'Dear Father'.


Next, magpie the first paragraph to get you started. Then, write a paragraph to your letter as Alice to tell your mother or father about your experience at the tea party. Think carefully about how Alice (you) is feeling throughout the tea party. End your letter with 'Love Alice'.




When you have finished your letter, send a picture of it to your teacher on SEESAW!


