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Warm up

As you can see below, the sentence is missing an embedded clause. For the warm up, write the following sentence below in your blended learning book with a embedded clause with the relative pronoun omitted.


Just like we have done all week.


Think about what extra information will make perfect sense in the sentence.

Today we are going to be continuing a story from a certain point. You are going to be writing a paragraph that includes your very own events that you decide to write about. 

Step 1

Read to the end of page 10 below. Where this page ends, you are going to be continuing the story. I expect you to a write a paragraph using your own wonderful ideas and events that you think could take place.

Step 2

On the slide below, there are some example ideas of what could happen after the moment the bottle touches Alice's lips. You may wish to choose one of these ideas or mix some together. You do not have to choose any of these ideas. If you would like to think of your own plot, that is absolutely fine.



In your paragraph I would like to see you include as many grammar features that we have learned throughout the year so far.


Could you include:


Fronted adverbials

Moments later,.......................


Relative clauses

Alice, who has brown hair, began to grow taller and taller.


Expanded noun phrases

fluffy, bossy rabbit


Action and dialogue

"Something is sure to happen," she said to herself as she put it to her lips.


ed openers





Simile starters

As quick as a flash,.......................

Like a sloth,.......................


First, write the date and LC in your blended learning book.


Then, you are going to continue the story from the moment Alice puts the bottle to her lips. I would like you to write a paragraph.


I would like to see as many different grammar features as possible in your paragraph.

I have started your paragraph off for you below, if you would like to magpie this sentence.

What it should look like in your book


Friday 8th January

LC: To continue a story from a given point.


The clear, blue liquid slowly trickled down her throat. A few seconds later...





When you have finished your paragraph, please send a picture of it to your teacher on SEESAW!


