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Warm up

Write two sentences that include an embedded relative clause, so they make perfect sense. As you can see below the character Banquo has been used as an example. Instead of Banquo, write the sentences using your chosen character for your story.


When you are adding extra information about a person, the relative pronoun we use in 'who'.


When you are adding extra information about an object, the relative pronoun we use is 'that' or 'which'.


1st sentence: Your relative clause should describe your own ghostly character.

2nd sentence: Your relative clause should describe the table.


Line off if you have half a page or more and complete the warm up before you write the date and LC for today's lesson.



Warm up


Thursday 19th November

LC: To write the next part of the story using a relative clause.

Today we are going to be writing the 3rd paragraph to our own versions of the ghost at dinner scene from the story of Macbeth. 


I would like to see you use at least one embedded relative clause in your paragraph.


relative clause is a specific type of subordinate clause that adapts, describes or modifies a noun. Relative clauses add information to sentences by using a relative pronoun such as who, that, which, whose and where.



The boy, who had brown hair, loved to read traditional Scottish stories. The relative clause in this sentence provides us with extra information about the boy.


The golf bag, which was black with a red trim, was where Mr Broadleday kept his golf clubs. The relative clause in this sentence provides us with extra information about the golf bag.

You are going to be continuing to use your plans that you plotted your new stories on Monday. 


I you are struggling look carefully at the example below.


We are writing from the point in the story where your main character sees the ghost and drops something on the floor in shock.


Also, on the new plot below, how the ghost acts at the dinner table has changed. How will your ghost act? This is the paragraph you get to decide what your ghost does at the table. If you look at the last sentence in the paragraph, my ghost floats over towards the main character.

Read the model below. Look how the characters have changed in the story. Remember when you are writing your own versions, so make sure you use the characters from your plan. You may wish to magpie some ideas from the model below but change as much as you can.


The embedded relative clauses are underlined for you in the paragraph to help you. The first relative clause describes how Isla is feeling. The second relative clause provides us with extra information about the ghostly character Marnie. 


As well as an embedded relative clause, I would like to see other features in your writing that we have learned this year. Could you include:


Subordinate clauses using conjunctions

Simile starters

ed openers

Fronted adverbials


Write the next paragraph to your story, just like the model above. Change as much as you can and remember to include at least one embedded relative clause. Do not write any further from where the paragraph ends above.


What it should look like in your book


Thursday 19th November

LC: To write the next part of the story using a relative clause.


"No, here is your place, your...





When you have finished, send a picture of your writing to your teacher on Seesaw!
