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Wellbeing Wednesday

Welcome to Well-being Wednesday!


Learning Challenge: 

  • To take part in a mindfulness activity with Presley the Pug. 

Meet the adorable and loveable Presley the Pug.

He is there to snuggle, play with, talk to, and to be there whenever you need him. Including as a reminder for finding our own special place and for having our very own brain break or mindful moment.


Presley has a fantastic zipped pocket decorated with a picture of:

some of our different senses (Smell, taste, listen to/hear, feel/touch, and see).

You can fill this pocket with notes, items, or drawings. 


For today's activity Presley the Pug would like you to complete the following challenges:


  1. Write down or draw pictures of things that you see, hear, smell, taste, or feel which make you feel worried, sad, upset, angry, stressed.
  2. Write down or draw pictures of things that you see, hear, smell, taste, or feel which make you feel good, happy, loved, calm, safe.
  3. Write down or draw pictures of your favourite things to see, hear, smell, taste/eat, or feel/touch.


Don't forget to send pictures of your work to Miss Salkeld on Purple Mash. You can do this by sending an email. 


Have fun!

