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Well-being Wednesday

Welcome to Well-being Wednesday!

Children's Mental Health Week is taking place on 1-7 February 2021. This year's theme is Express Yourself.


Learning Challenge: 

  • Take part in 5 Ways to Well-being Weekly Diary
  • To Express Yourself! 


This weeks well-being challenge is:

5 Ways to Well-being Weekly Diary



Over the week take some time for yourself and consider how you have:


  • Connect - How have you connected with a friend, family or teacher this week?
  • Been Active - What Activities have you undertaken this week to be active?
  • Taken Notice – How have you enjoyed the moment or the environment this week (Being Mindful)? Have you noticed how someone else is feeling and helped?
  • Kept Learning - Learn or try a new skill, this could be something active such as juggling, learning a few words in a different language or attempting to bake something!
  • Give – How have you helped someone else this week?


Click here to download your 5 Ways to Well-being Weekly Diary:

Have fun everyone!  

Don't forget to email Miss Salkeld your amazing diaries on Purple Mash. 
